Real Support For BCH or Hard Fork Chasers?

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) VS Bitcoin (BTC)

BCH is climbing and BTC is falling. Is this real support for Bitcoin Cash or is money chasing the hard fork? Take a look at the BTC & BCH charts.

Ledger Nano S - The secure hardware wallet

Is Bitcoin Cash The Real Bitcoin?

Bitcoin Cash Vs Bitcoin

Now that Bitcoin SegWit2x hard fork has been canceled, more money is flowing out of BTC and into BCH.  Is Bitcoin Cash the real Bitcoin?

Ledger Nano S - The secure hardware wallet

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is Hard Forking in November 2017

Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork

Bitcoin Cash is set to be hard forked in November 2017.  The BCH hard fork will attempt to reverse the emergency difficulty adjustment (EDA) rule which was used to attract miners to the Bitcoin Cash network.  A new algorithm would be put in its place that would adjust every 600 seconds, based on the amount of computing power that was provided to the network over the previous 144 blocks.  Check out the video to learn more.

Ledger Nano S - The secure hardware wallet